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  • About Stugotz!

    Hi iā€™m Stugotz and I will be posting about cp updates and some other stuff. I joined Club Penguin Febuary 15th, 2008. My favorite sports are baseball and hockey. My favorite baseball team is the Chicago Cubs and my favorite hockey team is the Chicago Blackhawks and my favorite football team is the Chicago Bears. My favorite band is Twisted Sister and I like Rock! On Club Penguin I go on servers like Sleet, Frozen, Abominable, Alpine, Yeti, Mammoth, and Alaska. My favorite color is red. My favorite food is any kind of seafood besides clams and oysters. Thats it about me!
  • About Latimer!

    Well my penguin is not very old. I started CP in the summer of 2009. My cousin told me about CP armys and that I should join one. So after playing CP for a while I joined the Hot Sauce Army. Thats where I met Stugotz and Shadowclub. We had some epic adventures!
    Anyways I like to draw, play piano and guitar, and run track. I play some other games on the computer (ask me about them on our chat). I hope you like our site and check it everyday.

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Interview with a Prince

Latimer here and I got to meet and interview Prince Redhood today. šŸ˜›

Reporter: Hello Prince Redhood.

Prince: Hello.

Reporter: So what exactly does a prince do?

Prince: I save princesses.

Reporter: You save them from what?

Prince: I save them from the castle.

Reporter: No I mean who do you save them from?

Prince: Oh I don’t really know whom.

Reporter: OK? Well is there any danger involved?

Prince: Yes there are some monsters sometimes.

Reporter: šŸ˜® What kind of monsters? Dragons? Squizoids?

Prince: No, they are sheep.

Reporter: Sheep? šŸ˜

Prince: Yes nasty bad sheep.

Reporter: O’really? And what do the sheep do? Do they bite?

Prince: Well none have ever caught me because I can run faster than them.

Reporter: šŸ˜•

Prince: But I did get stung by an angry bee once. It was terrible. šŸ˜¦

Reporter: Well thats all the time we have. Thanks Prince Redhood.